
Forsage Review: Scam, Or Legit Business?

Welcome to my Forsage Review!
There’s a relatively new crypto MLM on the block! If you have been online in the past couple of days you may have noticed the influx of people promoting Forsage as a great opportunity to make extra cash online.
As you know, every time there is a new launch there are some new affiliates promoting the company like it is a god send, trying to make a commission.
We are here to help you figure out if Forsage can live up to it’s claims.
So what is Forsage?
Who are the founders and CEO’s
Can you make good money with Forsage?
Is Forsage a scam?
These are all the questions I will help you answer before this review concludes. Before we get started I would like to make a few things clear. I am in no way affiliated with Forsage. Forsage does not compensate me in any way shape or form for this review.
This is my unbiased review of the company Forsage. All views expressed are solely mine and mine alone.
Lets get right into the review!

Forsage Review: The Company
First things first we need to figure out who is running the show over at Forsage. We need to find out how credible they are and if they are experienced in this crypto field.
Here’s the first red flag. The Forsage website claims that there is no Admin or founders. I don’t know what that means but there has to be someone at the head of this thing.
Maybe SIRI made this website.
Forsage does a pretty good job at hiding it’s founders too. I couldn’t find any information even when I did a little detective work!
Someone wants to stay hidden.
There is Russian language translations all over the site so one could assume that Forsage is based out of there. The Forsage domain was privately registered on February 9th, 2020. Most of the traffic is primarily coming from the USA.

What is

Forsage is a popular MLM Crypto earning Program that allows user to earn Ethereum currency with 2 types of matrix referral structure, the project works on a Crowdfunding system. 

Forsage is a decentralized ecosystem built on Smart Contracts and so the company claims to have no control over the processing of funds and profits. The technical setup is made fully functional and automated to run the whole system in a secure and smooth manner

Forsage was seen live in march 2020- During the COVID Lockdown period and the domain, points to be freshly registered in Feb 2020. Though they are not the first company to work on decentralized smart contracts, it is mentioned in the site that they work on advanced decentralized smart contracts. 

Forsage Smart contracts

The Forsage team represents a high-level technology setup, they claim to have built a  Smart Contract on Ehthereum Blockchain. 
This Smart contract is highly functional to a Pyramid structure, for example, if you Join the platform with a fee, the fee is sent into Pyramid process and the next user is automatically sent below your line and continues so with the selected matrix. 
You can take a view of this smart contract transaction on Ether Scan

How do works? 

Forsage Program works on a Gifting scheme of a binary matrix structure. There are 2 types of matrix X3 Matrix and  X4 Matrix cycles you can choose to go with anyone. 
To Get started with any of the matrix cycles you have to pay 0.05 ETH fee( Joining fee) and then start referring people via your referral link. 

Forsage X3 Matrix (3 X 1 ) 

In this Cycle, you have to fill 3 positions in your first level downline and this will continue for each user to continue filling 3 positions forward by paying joining fees of 0.05 ETH. 

Forsage X4 Matrix (2 X 2 ) 

In this Cycle, you have to fill 2 positions at your first level and then those 2 will continue to provide 2 positions at their first level. Eventually making a Pyramid of 4, 16,64…. 
Use your Referral Link to Invite more and more people to your network, with increasing users your income ( ETH) will also Boost. 

How to join Forsage Crypto MLM?

Despite all the buzz and craze, this is a very popular question floating around. The Process is simple. To get started with Forsage crypto MLM, you need to have an Ehtreum Wallet and load the wallet with ETH, then follow the website navigations or Steps below. 

Step 1: For Desktop or Laptop Install Metamask Browser or ETH Wallet  extension in your Chrome browser and  for the Mobile app, you can go for Trust Wallet 

Step 2: Register with a safe email Id. 

Step 3: Load your ETH Wallet with 0.05 ETH (11.50 USD ) 

Step 4: Visit and click: Join Now “ or Just click the

 link shared by your Friends 

Step 5: Click on Automatic Registration – The funds will be processed automatically. 
Step 6: Joining/ Registration Complete. 
Please save the 12 words seed phrase recovery physically or in a secure place. This will help you in account recovery in unfortunate circumstances. 

Note: Hereafter All Your Profits Will Be Directly Credit To The Same ETH Wallet, Directly. 

How do I Start earning in ?

After you join by paying 0.05 ETH, choose your matrix you have to keep referring to new people to join this platform to keep you earning up.  Your earning will stop if your tree or Pyramid collapses. 
Income tree 
·         For 3X1 matrix If you refer one Position from  1st level 0.025 ETH
·         For 2X2 matrix If you refer one Position from  1st level 0.075 ETH
The Remaining funds will be distributed in the higher anonymous positions above your position in the Pyramid.

Scam or Legit?

Forsage is a new Project for all the MLM and Crypto fans. The Company is actively involved in processing real-time benefits and its Smart contract technology is a Positive addon. 
Though there is anonymity in the organization details this is how most of the Decentralized project work. The idea behind the process is plotted very well. 

What does Forsage have to offer?

Forsage has no retail products they are just offering the “Forsage Smart Contract” Bundled with an affiliate membership. Forsage works off of “Matrixes” and gifiting. For a non crypto head this can get a bit confusing.
So stick with me.
Forsage affiliate must put 0.05 Ethereum into a matrix. The matrix sizes used in Forsage are 3×1 and 2×2. The 3×1 has three positions under you and the 2×2 has two positions at the top and expands out to four positions at the second level.
These positions can be funded by you or the people under you. This makes this a gifting kind of system.
Well if I remember correctly. Gifting schemes are illegal! They literally say it on their site. Their site says
“Profit comes from other peoples pockets directly into your personal wallet”
Then they said that there is no admins on the website. Well who made it?
A ghost?
Casper wouldn’t make a gifting scheme he would sell T shirts probably. Either way this business is illegal and it isn’t transparent at all. I would steer clear of Forsage.
This company will be gone sooner than later these business models don’t tend to last very long.
Thank you for reading my Forsage Review.

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