
Are you taking the effectiveness of your customer support for granted?


Recent studies reveal that the US is lagging behind in Customer Service Satisfaction Reports.

Apparently many US companies do according to numbers revealed by the latest major studies on live chat customer satisfaction. A 2020 Live Chat Customer Satisfaction Report by FinancesOnline shows a significant customer satisfaction rating disparity between US ratings and other countries. Surprisingly, American firms are even far behind many developing countries like Brazil, the Philippines, and Mexico.

While the US is trailing behind other countries when it comes to customer satisfaction rankings, there is also a huge impact of live chat that is worth considering. In fact, it can be your key to much-improved customer satisfaction as demonstrated by a Freshchat case study:

That study compared situations before and after the use of Freshchat in the areas of campaign replies, campaign reply rate, and chat-to-conversion rate. The results showed significant improvements. Even in monthly missed chats, one Freshchat client reported zero misses from previously missing eight percent of chats during the period.

Another significant revelation is that live chat is presently the most efficient solution among all technologies used to manage customer service. You probably thought the phone or email took the top honor. Not anymore. Recent studies disclosed that live chat leads all others – phone, email, and social media – when it comes to customer satisfaction by channel and preferred support channels.


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Take note though that live chat is not there to supplant all your other customer support channels. You need all other technologies to be able to address customer issues and provide service on multiple fronts wherever customers may be and whatever channel they may use. Many customers still use phones, emails, web forms to directly contact the company, and Facebook and Twitter to air their issues. But one contact channel has become the favorite.

Why Live Chat is a preferred customer support channel

Live chat is winning in the customer support front. Businesses are aware of this. Industry estimates see customer chat growing by 87% in the next 12 to 18 months. So why is live chat emerging as the customer contact channel of choice? Let’s dig a little deeper. Much has to do with the way people work, do business, and shop in today’s digital connected world. It’s an on-demand business landscape where products and services are but a click away.

This instant communication and connectivity have made customers quite demanding and impatient. One study found out that over half of customers said businesses ought to be available 24/7. Consumers expect online shopping and transactions to be smooth and fast. If they have queries, they don’t want to be kept waiting. Another research discovered that 42% of consumers don’t want to be put on hold so, as expected, they prefer live chat functions. Real-time is the name of the game and this capability is built right into live chat by the nature of its function.

In fact, one of the main reasons for the low customer rating in the US is the fact that Americans are more impatient when it comes to waiting a bit longer for a response.

While many customers still care more about having their issues resolved even if it takes a bit longer, nothing beats prompt response and quick resolution. The customer is king/queen, and your business should do everything it can to serve them well because the returns can be substantial. Here are some statistics to support that – 70% of buying experiences are based on how customers feel they are treated, and the same percentage of customers will do business again with the company that resolves their complaints. In other words, treat them like royalty and they will buy from you and even become repeat buyers.

The convenience of instant connection with live chat is driving customer expectations. Now, over 30% of customers expect a live chat on your website while research shows that only 9% of companies actually use a live chat on their website. The argument for having a live chat becomes even more compelling when as many as 77% of customers won’t make a purchase on a website if there is no live chat feature. On the other hand, 63% of customers were more likely to return to a website that has this tool.

Investing in a Live Chat tool Is affordable yet has huge ROI potential

Live chat elevates not only the customer experience but also your business and brand as well. You’ll be seen as really serious in providing professional and quality customer service and support, and having a live chat gives you a competitive advantage. Any edge you can muster over your competitors in today’s cutthroat business environment will be most beneficial. A live chat tool which you can get at affordable double-digit figures or even free for a small support team (in the case of Freshchat), puts you right there among businesses that care for their customers and their concerns. Among best live chat tools selected by experts, Freshchat is often occupying the first spot!

The equation is simple – live chat equals customer satisfaction. And when customers are satisfied, sales and revenue growth and customer loyalty is reinforced. Live messaging platforms foster “brand stickiness” that helps bring customers closer to your brand and fight off churn. Furthermore, a positive live chat experience takes on a domino effect since customers tell friends about it more than they do for negative ones. When done right, live chat redounds to positive word of mouth. That’s free advertising and promotion that help win over new customers and drive profit.

If you want to learn more about live chat satisfaction ratings and data that shows why investing in live chats is a great idea check out the 2020 Live Chat Customer Satisfaction Report here.


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